I really enjoyed reading this. I don’t know if I’m neurodivergent but I told my therapist this week I want to be evaluated, even though I’m in my 70s. Been mentally ill most of my life so there is that. I really like the self compassion…I’m grateful I no longer have to keep a job so if I need to spend a day or two in bed, then that’s what I do. A number of family members consider me a slacker but another part of my self compassion is that I have cut those family members out of my life. It’s made a world of difference.
I’ll never get over the feeling of gratitude when I know another person *gets it* and this article gave me that feeling again. We’re definitely not alone in this 🙌🏻
helped so much. I am OCD and ADHD and wish I was just fucking normal most days. but you reminding me to be nice to myself, plus just the humor of the article, 10/10.
Second HerHolyGrizzle remarks. It’s good to know there are others. Already see this occurring…since Rump and Elmo are in charge and talking about doing some crazy batshit stuff, there are going to be a lot more of us in the functional freeze space. It’s already happening. Unregulated AI and crypto currencies will be the most destabilizing events we have seen since the 1930 Great Recession.
So…how are we almost the same person? I was diag with adhd in my 30s, but didn’t receive autism diag until 2021 and age 50. Self-identified with everything you spoke about, including the things that are supposed to help but we never try. When you spoke about the reflex to jump up if someone enters the room - because “laziness” - actually made me cry. I was also born with something called Chiari Malformation - which physically affects the vagal nerve pathways; and I have a post-accident cervical fusion in my bottom 3 neck vertebrae. I worry that I am trapped in a downward spiral of chiari complications that will eventually kill me - already my digestion doesn’t work normally and my heart doesn’t relax fully on the “fill” beat - both have been found to be neurologically caused. I have never slept well and still barely manage 6 hours and never in one go - I awaken around the 2 hour mark of slumber and have to pee and get back to sleep. Reading this makes me realize I am still living in these states and not actually living my life. I’m frustrated because it’s been 4 years and 1 overdose later but I am still not relaxing…ever. Oh! Inner monologue? Try Inner cacaphony. TYFT.
Eternally grateful for this. 🤘
I really enjoyed reading this. I don’t know if I’m neurodivergent but I told my therapist this week I want to be evaluated, even though I’m in my 70s. Been mentally ill most of my life so there is that. I really like the self compassion…I’m grateful I no longer have to keep a job so if I need to spend a day or two in bed, then that’s what I do. A number of family members consider me a slacker but another part of my self compassion is that I have cut those family members out of my life. It’s made a world of difference.
Self-compassion is definitely the way, thanks for reading!
Thank you for this. We don’t talk about it enough. Your delivery is a gut-punch colliding with a belly laugh, and that’s my vibe right there.
It’s the AuDHD in us haha.
I’ll never get over the feeling of gratitude when I know another person *gets it* and this article gave me that feeling again. We’re definitely not alone in this 🙌🏻
Woo hoo! Also, I’m sorry you’re going through this.
fantastic article. saving this for sure.
Glad you got something out of it! I was on the struggle bus lmao
helped so much. I am OCD and ADHD and wish I was just fucking normal most days. but you reminding me to be nice to myself, plus just the humor of the article, 10/10.
Awesome post, thank you. Same As It Ever Was will now play on repeat in my brain for the rest of the day and I’m not even annoyed about it
I tend to avoid cold / ice too - it can be a bit overwhelming. But cuddling a heat pack to my chest instead can really nice when I’m in a freeze loop
I’m glad you enjoyed it! 😊
Second HerHolyGrizzle remarks. It’s good to know there are others. Already see this occurring…since Rump and Elmo are in charge and talking about doing some crazy batshit stuff, there are going to be a lot more of us in the functional freeze space. It’s already happening. Unregulated AI and crypto currencies will be the most destabilizing events we have seen since the 1930 Great Recession.
I foresee the same chaos. My nervous system didn’t handle the pandemic well at all. Hoping I can hang in there for whatever happens next.
So…how are we almost the same person? I was diag with adhd in my 30s, but didn’t receive autism diag until 2021 and age 50. Self-identified with everything you spoke about, including the things that are supposed to help but we never try. When you spoke about the reflex to jump up if someone enters the room - because “laziness” - actually made me cry. I was also born with something called Chiari Malformation - which physically affects the vagal nerve pathways; and I have a post-accident cervical fusion in my bottom 3 neck vertebrae. I worry that I am trapped in a downward spiral of chiari complications that will eventually kill me - already my digestion doesn’t work normally and my heart doesn’t relax fully on the “fill” beat - both have been found to be neurologically caused. I have never slept well and still barely manage 6 hours and never in one go - I awaken around the 2 hour mark of slumber and have to pee and get back to sleep. Reading this makes me realize I am still living in these states and not actually living my life. I’m frustrated because it’s been 4 years and 1 overdose later but I am still not relaxing…ever. Oh! Inner monologue? Try Inner cacaphony. TYFT.